playlist di Daniela Brogi e Niccolò Scaffai

Philip Marlow canta The Cat Came Back (Harry S. Miller, 1893)

The Siamese Cat Song (Lady And The Tramp, Walt Disney, 1955)

Coasters, Three Cool Cats, 1958

Pink Floyd, Lucyfer Sam, (The Piper at the Gates of Dawn, 1967)

Al Stewart, Year Of The Cat, 1976

The Rum Tum Tugger, (Cats, 1981, Andrew Lloyd Webber su testi di Thomas Stearns Eliot)

Freddie Mercury, Delilah (Innuendo, 1991)

The Darts, The Darts Meow, (Me.Ow., 2017)


[Immagine: Peter Criss (“Cat”) dei Kiss]

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