Playlist di Vincenzo Bagnoli

Questa playlist  parte dai diavoli del Seicento (di Milton e Bach), dalla loro caduta, per arrivare, mettendo in parodia i versi del Paradise Lost, ai “failures of the modern man”, al buio delle esistenze private, della storia e dell’antropocene, “starless and bible black”


Milton, Paradise Lost, I 22-26:


[…] What in me is dark
Illumine, what is low raise and support;
That to the heighth of this great argument
I may assert eternal providence,
And justify the ways of God to men.


Johann Sebastian Bach & Glenn Gould, Cantata “Widerstehe doch der Sünde” (Sunday Concert: Glenn Gould on Bach, 1962)

King Crimson, Starless (Red, 1974)


Nicolas Godin, Widerstehe doch der Sünde (Contrepoint, 2015)


Death in June, Fall Apart (The Wall of Sacrifice, 1989)


Of The Wand And The Mood, Lucifer (Lucifer, 2003)

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